Windsor Gallery Abuja presents "CFA - How toMake Art," the highly antici- pated solo exhibitionof Brice Esso. This multidisciplinary artist from Côted'Ivoire explores the intersections of structure,color, and the commodifi- cation of artisticexpression.His journey, shaped by studies in economics andsculpture at Georgia State University and the NewYork Academy of Art, reveals a devotion toexploring the value of art. "CFA" challengesconventional notions by ques- tioning art as acommodity and financial investment, with a radicalshift in materials and colors.Brice's decision to transition from "noble" materialsto handmade acrylic paints using centuries oldtechniques is a bold statement. This choicesymbolizes a questioning of traditional valuesassociated with art. Simultaneously, his shift from amonochromatic palette to pastel tones explorestraditional African vibrancy, marking an artisticevolution that respects cultural roots while creatinga visual and conceptual break from establishedtradition."CFA - How to Make Art" is more than an exhibition;it is a profound commentary. Esso deconstructsestablished norms and offers a visual dis- courseon the commodification of art in the contemporaryAfrican context. He invites viewers to consider themarket forces that shape artistic ex- pression and toengage in a critical examination of the artist's rolein society.